My Collage
Silly lil Sevies 1-4
Made in the Eighties 5-13
Fresh Ones 14-31
Sophotos 32-36
Junior Pix 37
Junior Pix 38
Junior Pix 39
Junior Pix 40
Junior Pix 41
Junior Pix 42
Junior Pix 43
Junior Pix 44

Early in the mornin' ~ risin' to the street ~ Light me up that cigarette ~ and I strap shoes on my feet ~ Got to find a reason ~ reason things went wrong ~ Got to find the reason why my money's all gone ~ I got a dalmation and I can still get high ~ I can play the guitar like a mother fucking riot ~ Life is too short ~ so love the one you got ~ cause you might get run over ~ or you might get shot ~ Never start no static I just get it off my chest ~ Never had to battle with no bulletproof vest ~ Take a small example, take a tip from me.. ~ take all of your money and give it up to charity ~ Lovin's what I got ~ It's within my reach ~ and the sublime style is still straight from Long Beach ~ It all comes back to you you're bound to get what you deserve ~ Try and test that ~ you're bound to get served ~ Love's what I got ~ don't start a riot, ~ You feel it when the dance gets hot ~ Lovin', is what I got ~ I said remember that ~ Lovin', is what I got, and remember that ~ Lovin', is what I got ~ I said remember that ~ Lovin', is what I got ~ I got ~ I got ~ why I don't cry when my dog runs away ~ I don't get angry at the bills I have to pay ~ I don't get angry when my Mom smokes pot ~ hits that bottle and goes right to the rock ~ Fuckin and fighting ~ it's all the same ~ To live with Louie dog's the only way to stay sane ~ Let the lovin' ~ let the lovin' come back to me

Watch Strongbad (HOT)
sorry, no more monkey spanking or mind reading

My Favorites
TV show: Friends is awesome, and so is the Simpsons
Movie: I dont really have a favorite movie anymore.. depends what I'm in the mood for
Book: mmm books can be fun...
Sports Team: screw that...
Favorite food: Blimpies, chicken d'von, tic tacs, swedish meatballs, snapple, popcorn, CHOCOLATE MINT CUPS, dove chocolates, Dr Pepper, potato chips, olives, QuarterPounders w/cheese, grilled chicken, snack packs, and any kinda of canned foor with meat and noodles and sauce all up in there mmmmm.... I get cravings like a pregnant woman
Actor/ess: Adam Sandler, Reese Witherspoon


My Hobbies
man I kinda need a hobby... I would like to just be a flat out pot smokin' hippy but I suppose that's not acceptable in this god forsaken household.. I think I'm gonna get a job and save up as much money as I can for when I move the fuck out of my house... But I do need a hobby for until I'm on my own.. any recommendations??


Most Admired
Well, I love Jack Black, Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller, and Janine Ga-ra-fa-lo, Lisa Kudrow. I miss Chris Farley and Jim Carrey like no other, and I really wish Andy Kaufman was around during my time. Mr Heinrich is my Hero that I can talk to whenever I want because he's just so darn FUNNY and he's just a great person. My peers that I admired would be my closest friends (Christina Cranston, Kelly Huber, Abby Witt, Hayli Leseberg... the list goes on) My mom is my hero too because she really does put up with a lot without ever saying anything about it.

click this poem to see some more poems!!
You used to be a single boy
But you aren't anymore
I guess you finally earned your keep
To buy that fucking whore

I was ready to give it all to you
My body, mind, my life
But with my piece of shit luck
She'll prolly be your wife

I wish you were in love with me
The way I am with you

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